This (in January 2009) is our latest, longest and all in all most lavish album from our pocast-collection. And since we have the word "psychedelic" written on our opening page, it appeared perfect for the start, as it is psychedelic in many ways.
Besides Michaels spacey guitar escapades and the rhythm group's trancey monotony you'll hear longer passages with heavy treatments on the sound-material itself. Two years ago such treatments had been just edit-smootheners, by chance evolving to transition-glues, later growing to interludes, preludes and other ludes and here now becoming musical pieces of their own right, though still basically remixes.
Which leads us to an really psychedelic attitude: You're likely to hear the stretched backwards-version of a song just before you'll hear the true forward version! Continuity of time is an illusion! Non-continuity as well! That's why Revolutions 2 & 3 happen before Revolution 1 and a certain bubbling atmo-soup re-evolving again and again in the very end appears to be the intro to the averagest riff ever. (The superlative of the average is no import from outer space though, but a typically Rhinelandish expression.)
After all the illusions here a few facts: Idden Planet unites excerpts from four sessions recorded between December 2007 and November 2008. Fans of vintage instruments probably will enjoy the warm but heavy feedback from Michaels Hagström thinline-archtop on tracks 3 and 8 or the seldom heard Teisco EP-200B hollow-body bass on tracks 4, 10 and 12. And yes, theese tracks have titles!
Tracklisting: |
00:00 - 02:57 |
1. |
Revolutions 2 & 3 (incl. A.B.B. & Garden of Eatened) 2:57
02:57 - 07:05 |
2. |
Revolution 1 4:08
07:05 - 09:23 |
3. |
Hunting the Drama Walz (make 3) Part 1 2:17
09:23 - 13:20 |
4. |
Teiscalling 3:57
13:20 - 16:29 |
5. |
A.B.B. (Interlude 1) 3:08
16:29 - 19:31 |
6. |
This could have been, if we ever (incl. Garden of Eatened) 3:02
19:31 - 25:54 |
7. |
Idden Planet 6:22
25:54 - 31:58 |
8. |
Hunting the Drama Walz (make 3) Part 2 6:04
31:58 - 36:35 |
9. |
Way Down (Interlude 2) 4:37
36:35 - 42:24 |
10. |
The Garden of Eatened 5:48
42:24 - 45:08 |
11. |
Leibniz Marsch 2:43
45:08 - 49:22 |
12. |
Exploito Especiale (incl. A.B.B.) 4:13
49:22 - 52:28 |
13. |
Way Down 3:06
52:28 - 57:59 |
14. |
Joyful if Swallowed 5:30
57:59 - 62:36 |
15. |
A.B.B. (Average Blotter Blues) 4:37